Installing the QuantConnect Lean ClI
Having some holiday time taking the new QuantConnect Lean CLI for a spin and see how easy it is to get it up and running and backtest a strategy.

QuantConnect Lean CLI
Recently i read a lot about algorithmic trading and stumbled upon QuantConnect.
For strategy implementation and backtesting i will use The Lean CLI. The Lean CLI is a cross-platform CLI aimed at making it easier to develop with the LEAN engine locally and in the cloud.
With Python and Docker installed the ClI is only one command away.
pip install --upgrade lean
If you get some path warnings - add ~/.local/bin to your PATH environment variable.
echo "export PATH=~/.local/bin:\${PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Test if lean is running
If tkinter cannot be found as import
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
When everyhting works, open a terminal in an empty directory and run
lean init
Project creation is easy with
lean create-project "testing"
I already got some sample strategies in the cloud so lets log into lean and get my projects from the cloud
lean login
lean cloud pull
Backtesting in the cloud can be done via
lean cloud backtest "testing" --open --push
Works nicely