Building data products. Therefore always learning to get better in designing software architectures, the process of software development and in the fields of data engineering and data science.
Download my resumé.
Diplomingenieur in Information and Knowledge Management, 2011
Vienna University of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Media Informatics, 2009
Vienna University of Technology
just a few pet projects I’ve worked on in my spare time.
An interface that allows geo-queries for Austrian federal states and automatically generates visualization of respective open datasets. The geo-labelling of the dataset is based on a base knowledge graph of geo-entities.
We analyze the Austrian social insurance system, focusing on the labor market as well as the pension system, on behalf of governmental institutions and other official stake holders using interactive visualizations.
The present report is an initial study of labor market integration before transferring to the Invalidity pension. The additions in 2010 were examined. Particular attention is paid the aspect of the economic class in which the retirees are gainfully employed before they retire