An interface that allows geo-queries for Austrian federal states and automatically generates visualization of respective open datasets. The geo-labelling of the dataset is based on a base knowledge graph of geo-entities.
We analyze the Austrian social insurance system, focusing on the labor market as well as the pension system, on behalf of governmental institutions and other official stake holders using interactive visualizations.
We analyze the income for people in rent in the year 2011.
The present report is an initial study of labor market integration before transferring to the Invalidity pension. The additions in 2010 were examined. Particular attention is paid the aspect of the economic class in which the retirees are gainfully employed before they retire
We analyze impact of financial incentives for the pension system in austria.
Analyse einer Erhöhung des effektiven Pensionsantrittsalters - Vorläufiger Endbericht - Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen. [Research Report] 62 p.
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Bedeutung von Beschäftigten mit ausländischer Staatsbürgerschaft bzw. mit Migrationshintergrund für den Tourismus und analysiert den Beitrag der Tourismuswirtschaft zur (Arbeitsmarkt-)Integration dieser Beschäftigtengruppe.